“California Gurls,” besides being filled to the top with catchy hooks and melodies, boasts provocative lyrics and sexually brazen thematic elements that coax listeners-at the very least-to take a voyeuristic leap into a universe where anything goes and all wishes are fulfilled, which is attractive to most fans of pop and rock music.A perfect time to start a discussion is if this song comes on the radio when you’re with your kids in the car-but given Perry’s huge cultural popularity, asking your kids questions about her (and then the song) at other times is also a good way to go.The audio alone will make your points well enough. Not that you need our advice here, but we don’t recommend watching the video with your kids, despite the fact that they’ve probably seen it. In the video, Katy Perry is scantily clad or seemingly naked (e.g., lying on a “cloud” on her stomach) and tops it off in a ridiculous scene where she plants whipped cream spray cans to her breasts and shoots the contents into the air.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO PARENTS ABOUT DISCERNMENT: We at The Source for Youth Ministrybelieve that certain elements in our youth culture can serve as good discussion jump starters with youth.Vital Info Before You Get Started: (The following should help you contextualize this very popular song so you can have a great discussion about it with your kids.) The Song: “California Gurls” by Katy Perry (“The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.”-1 John 2:17) Main Point of Discussion: We shouldn’t spend our lives pursuing the things the world offers what matters is giving our lives to God-and to others.