Photographer, Illingworth accompanied the Custer Expedition to the Black Hills in 1874. of the 12th Infantry marching, 1889 and Co. Includes Sully Expedition photos Carnahan’s Co. The names of the officers are included with the photograph. This collection consists of a photograph of one unknown soldier from the 1st South Dakota Infantry and General Orders #29. This collection consists of a letter written by Edgerton, Captain of Company B, Tenth Minnesota Infantry, to the United State Quarter Master General. The collection also includes DeWitt’s diary from April 26 to Augdescribing army life on a trip up the Yellowstone River. This collection contains a newspaper article from the Pierre Capital Journal about the event. Carlington and he played a part in the surrender of the Cheyenne at Chardon Creek, Nebraska in 1878. DeWitt was an Indian Scout for General E.A. Box 7085Bĭiary and newspaper articles, 18. Information contains the names, ages, and hometowns of persons liable to perform military duty in Davison County. This book contains a list of officers, a descriptive roll of the company, register of deaths and desertions, and some information on Company A. Company B of the First Dakota Cavalry was organized in 1863 and mustered out in 1865. Box 7253Bįirst Dakota Cavalry Descriptive Book, 1863-1865. (MF1313-1389)Īnnual and Biennial Reports, January 1887 September 1888 December 1889. This collection contains microfilmed records of the Supreme Court, legislature, and governors and secretaries’ correspondence. Folder 1 of this collection contains a typescript copy of the 1877 Act of Congress to ratify the treaty of 1876. This collection primarily contains correspondence, diaries, clippings and financial records pertaining to his role in this capacity as well as his ownership of Hotel Harney in Rapid City. Major Brennan was the Superintendent of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Consists of the discharge papers from the United States Army as an Indian Scout. and on to Yellowstone and the return to Ft. This is a microfilmed copy of his diary from Ft. Atkinson was with Company G of the 8th Minnesota Infantry. The purpose of the journey was to determine the quality of the route in order to transport mail, troops, munitions of war and for purposes of emigration. This is a thirteen page report written by Anderson describing a 20 day, 350 mile journey from Fort Laramie to Fort Randall in June and July 1859.