The text also covers the new 2012 Standards of Education for dietetics programs that were introduced by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND), a unit within the Academy. The Fifth Edition incorporates the name change from The American Dietetic Association to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and introduces important units within the Academy. This revised and updated edition includes new sections on distance internships as well as updated information on environmental changes and trends. The Profession of Dietetics includes a comprehensive history of the profession, a thorough examination of credentialing and educational requirements, and an analysis of the profession s future. The text s student-centered approach focuses on concrete steps for navigating the highly competitive and often complex steps to personal and professional success in the field. The Essential Text for Students Considering a Career in Nutrition and Dietetics The Profession of Dietetics: A Team Approach offers students a complete toolbox of resources for beginning a career in nutrition and dietetics.